Friday, July 6, 2018

Holding Out

Usually I would never use this space to promote a strike.  I find them to usually be counter-productive and only serve to hurt those that walk the picket line.  I would usually never encourage someone to take part in a pro-abortion protest, since I was born and wouldn't want to deny someone else the opportunity to enjoy life as much as I have.  But I would like to whole-heartedly throw my support behind the #Lysistrata2018 movement.

If you are not familiar, Lysistrata2018 is basically a sex strike.  The social media campaign encourages women not to sleep with men in an effort to build public pressure to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court with a nominee that will promise to uphold all decisions dealing with Roe vs Wade.  The name comes from Greek mythology--where women of two warring tribes stopped sleeping with their husbands until they called a truce and ended the war.

A good number of men are already laughing at talk of a "sex strike".  They have already been dealing with such a "job action" for years--so such a political protest wouldn't make any difference in their lives--or convince them to suddenly abandon their pro-life beliefs.  As an added bonus, Lysistrata supporters will be proving that the most effective form of birth control--abstinence--would all but eliminate the need for abortions.

I fully expect to see a CNN report on "The women who have given up sex to save Roe vs Wade" and 50-thousand word essays on how Lysistrata helped one woman find a man that "truly loved her for who she was and not for her body"--even though he is likely asexual and had no interest in physical intimacy with her in the first place.  However, there will not be any follow ups report or essays from those same women when they decide to "cross the picket line" again a few weeks or months after the "sex strike" no longer generates any public interest.

It would be interesting if this effort did last for years or even decades.  How would it affect the abortion rate?  What reduction would there be in demand for welfare, food stamps, subsidized child care, housing assistance, and special education requirements in public schools?  And what would happen to the Democratic voting base--as how we are raised can have a great influence on our political view of the world?  So that's why I encourage our liberal sisters to "join the movement", "be strong" and "hold the line"!  You may actually being doing American society a favor.

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