Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Before heading out on our trip to the Ryder Cup last week, I stopped at an area small business to buy a few things I would need for the weekend.  While I was there, a young lady working in the store noticed my WOSH polo shirt and mentioned that she listened to the Dave Ramsey Show every afternoon.  We talked a bit about the show and she said that she is on the "Dave Plan"--but she's been stuck on Baby Step 2 for a while because she's been in the hospital three times in the last couple of years, and she doesn't have health insurance.

Before I could suggest getting a second job to increase her income, she stated--with a proud smile on her face--that she had taken another job, and that she was picking up extra hours at both places to get her Debt Snowball rolling again.  She also talked about a friend who is in a similar situation, and how she was trying to convince her to get on the "Dave Plan" as well. 

We wrapped up the conversation with me talking about the experiences my wife and I have had going through the Total Money Makeover--and how I would have a "hoopdee" car for sale soon, if she or her friend might need a set of cheap wheels in the near future.  I also encouraged her to stick with the plan--because it really does pay off in the end.

As I left the store, I felt a strong sense of pride and inspiration.  I'm proud that our station carries the Dave Ramsey Show--giving hope and direction to people who have gotten themselves in way over their heads--and I'm proud that the message is resonating with listeners.  Every time I hear about a church or the YMCA offering Financial Peace University, it makes me feel good that more families are getting the tools they need to ensure a secure future--not only for themselves--but for their kids, their grandkids and their grandkids' kids.

And I am inspired by the people like the young lady in the store last week.  Did you notice she didn't say "The government should make my boss give me health insurance" or "I don't see why I have to pay those medical bills--the hospitals make plenty of money and the doctors are already rich."  And she didn't tell her friend to just sign up for a bunch of welfare programs because that's the "easy way" to get some money.  No, she is taking responsibility for her lot in life--and she is rolling up her sleeves to make it better.  And I could just tell by the way she talked--and the pride that she felt in having that kind of control over her situation and her future--that she is going to meet those goals.  It may take a while--but I'm pretty sure I'm going to hear her some afternoon here on WOSH telling Dave (and the world) that "I'M DEBT FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

That should serve as an inspiration to all of us.

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